ILDS Donation to the WHO COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund
The International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) is privileged to be in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) to improve the skin health of people around the world. This collaboration has spanned a broad range of areas including taking an integrated approach to control neglected tropical diseases, access to essential medicines and classification of skin diseases amongst others. Our vision of skin health for the world is in line with the WHO’s aim of better health for everyone, everywhere.
In this extraordinary time, we consider it important to restate our full support for the WHO. The ILDS recognises the critical role that multilateral institutions, such as the WHO, play on an ongoing basis to improve the health and well-being of the global population and particularly at a time of international crisis. COVID-19 has been the predominant health and social challenge for countries around the world. No one country or region can be complacent because the virus transcends borders and will only truly be contained when it is under control in all countries.
It is critical that the WHO is supported by UN Member States and other global stakeholders so as to assert a strong leadership role. This will help to ensure that efforts to control COVID-19 are coordinated for maximum global impact and to minimise the influence of the pandemic on existing health programmes and progress in reducing inequalities.
The ILDS’ mission is to increase awareness, cooperation and communication within the global dermatology community to promote high quality education, clinical care, research and innovation that will improve skin health globally. During this time, the ILDS will continue to support the WHO by contributing technical expertise and practical support across issues relating to skin health generally and in supporting the WHO and global efforts to understand and address COVID-19 such as through dermatology registries. In addition, the ILDS has committed to provide a donation of $100,000 to the WHO through the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund in 2021.
The COVID-19 skin registries of the ILDS and its member organisations have highlighted the impact of COVID-19 on skin health and disease by identifying numerous COVID-19 associated skin manifestations ranging from pernio-like skin lesions in patients with mild disease to retiform purpura of the exclusively in ill, hospitalised patients. By donating to support the global reach of vaccination programmes and thus reducing COVID-19 prevalence, skin health will also be improved, in accordance with overarching goals of the ILDS. Furthermore, ILDS’ mission to promote education, clinical care, research and innovation, that is currently hampered by COVID-19, impacts the ability of the dermatological community to provide high quality care. Through supporting vaccination programmes globally, we will be better able to continue to achieve these objectives.
This donation is made on behalf of the 195 ILDS member organisations which collectively represents over 200,000 dermatologists from around the world.